Ngoop Yongkurr maar

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Language                                                   Name

Noongar-Wudjari (W8):                 

Noongar-Nyoongar/Baaduk (W41):       Ngoop yongkurr maar, Yongkurr maar


Common name:                                         Kangaroo paw, red kangaroo paw, crimson kangaroo paw,

Scientific name:                                         Anigozanthos rufus


Group name for Plants

Wudjari:                                                       Dek

Nyoongar/Baaduk:                                    Dek


Group name for Flowers

Wudjari:                                                       Djet

Nyoongar/Baaduk:                                    Djet

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
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Language Meaning

Nyoongar: ngoop = blood, yongkurr = kangaroo, maar = hand 

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:

How does it Look - Feel - Smell - Taste?

Looks like: 
Nyoongar: Kangaroo paw (marr = hand). Blood red colour. 


Feels like:
Nyoongar: Flower is soft and velvety. Leaves are smooth and the centre of the leaf is shiny. Seeds at the bottom of the flower makes the base of the flower lumpy. 


Tastes like:
Nyoongar: Can eat the leaves - tastes like bush bread.


Smells like: 
Nyoongar: Sweet smell - subtle smell; you have to get close to smell it

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
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What does it sound like?

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Food, Medicine And Other Uses

Nyoongar: You can eat the leaves - The white part at the bottom of the central leaf. 


Other uses:

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:

Where Is It Found?

Nyoongar: Sandy places, coastal plains.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
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What Is Its Character?

Nyoongar: Very beautiful and waves as the wind blows.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
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Connection the Culture

Nyoongar: Like all plants, we are a part of them. It is totemic. the Yongkurr (kangaroo) is a man's connection.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
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Connection To Season

Nyoongar: Stayed around through Djeran, Djilba, Kambarang and Birak (autumn, spring and summer). Dies off at the end of summer.


Nyoongar: Flowering throughout Birak, but dies off at the end of summer.


Nyoongar: Flowering in autumn.


Nyoongar: Flowering in spring.

Nyoongar: Flowering in spring.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:

Connection To Country

Belongs to country. They are integral to the ecological system of Australia, and Taalyaraak Country.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:

Connection To People

Nyoongar: Totemic.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:

Connection To Other Plants/animals

Nyoongar: The Kangaroo. The Bees.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
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Connection To Astrology

Nyoongar: All plants and animals have a connection to the outer world. It's a man's connection through the yongka.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:


Nyoongar: They grow with a rhizome root. You can split and divide the rhizome to propagate them. It is essential to preserve these plants rather than clear land, because they only grow in certain areas.

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Edited by
Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:


Biodiversity Heritage Library references



Taxonomy from

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Phylum: Charophyta
  • Class: Equisetopsida
  • Subclass: Magnoliidae
  • Superorder: Lilianae
  • Order: Commelinales
  • Family: Haemodoraceae
  • Genus: Anigozanthos
  • Species: Anigozanthos rufus

Infraspecific taxa


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Last updated: Unknown; Feb 29, 2024 12:43 Status: Legacy

Author -

Knapp, L., Yorkshire, G., Ali-Smith, D., Councillor, L., Nannup, A., Jansen, A., Moulton, T., Blond, B., Turpin, G., Hopper, S., Lullfitz, A and Raisbeck-Brown, N. (2024).Ngoop Yongkurr maar. Noongar Boodjar Language Centre, Perth, Western Australia. [Date accessed: 20 March 2025]