Language: Name
Kriol: Fish
Marra: Warlanyan
Ritharrŋu/Wägilak: Guya
Ngandi: A-jeny
Wubuy: Ngujija
Ngalakgan: Jeny
Alawa: Aga; Barlgurr
Rembarrnga: Jeny
English: Fish
Scientific: Osteichthyes
Group name for fish
Alawa: Aga
Catching Fish
Spoken by Ruby (Wägilak)
Guya, djibukuna ŋanapu, märranha napu guyaya, djibukuna napu wurrdha'yuna napu, guyaya baypinŋaya, wäŋali'nu napu gänha ḻukanhanu napu.
Fish, we caught them. We got some fish. We caught them and threw them onto the shore, the fish, the Saratoga fish (Scleropages jardini). We took them to the camp then and ate them then.
Gudhaḻ'nanu baypinŋa ya, baypinŋa, gudhal' napu, ḻukanhanu napu guyaya, yolwatjgunu napu gurrupalara ŋukidhiya guyaya baypinŋaya, djiwukunaŋu ŋanapu.
We roasted the Saratoga fish in the oven, Saratoga fish, we roasted it. Then we ate the fish, then we gave that fish, the Saratoga, to the other people, the fish which we caught.
Maṯbuna, baypinŋa, djiwukuna napu wurrdha'yuna ŋanapu, wäŋali'nu napu raybaŋguḻna gudhaḻ'nanu, gothana djambaḻya napu nhanapara, guya-guya.
Black bream and Saratoga fish, we caught themand we threw them onto the shore. We took them back to the camp and roasted them in an oven. We roasted them,we built an oven.
Basic materials in Ritharrŋu p. 119