Language Name
Kriol: Bujigat
Marra: Garnbulanyi
Ritharrŋu\Wägilak: Bujigat
Ngandi: Bujigat
Wubuy: Bujigan
Ngalakga: Bujigat
Alawa: Nyun.ngarri
Rembarrnga: Bujibuji; Gajakkurru
Scientific name: Felis catus
English: Cat
Group name for Cat-like Animal
Marra: Burruwarlih
Body size: 380-600mm
Tail Length: 230-330mm.
INTRODUCED Nyun.ngarri (Alawa) live in all different types of Country like floodplains, stoned Country and woodlands.
They are on Country in big numbers and are eating small mammals and reptiles causing them to disappear. They eat 5-30 animals per day.
They can start breeding at 10-12 months and have up to 3 littlers per year, each with on average 4 kittens.