South East Arnhem Land plants and animals
SE Arnhem Land plants and animals)
South East Arnhem Land plants and animals
SE Arnhem Land plants and animals)
Language Name
Kriol: Dumbuyumbu
Marra: Dumbuyumbu
Ritharrŋu/ Wägilak: Dhumbudhumbu'
Ngandi: Ma-dumbuyumbuh
Wubuy: Ḏumburumbu
Ngalakgan: Dumbuyumbuh
Alawa: Dumbulyumbul; Dumbu-yumbu
Rembarrnga: Dumbuyumbu
English: Sandalwood
Scientific name: Santalum lanceolatum
Group name for plants: Small trees
It grows on the floodplain, woodlands and near wetlands.
It can be used as an insect repellent when burning leaves.
'We eat the fruits when they turn black-purple and use the leaves to make a tea that is a powerful medicine.'
It has white flowers that turn into purple fruit.
It is parasitic, meaning it grows off other plants.