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South East Arnhem Land plants and animals
Water Rat (© SE Arnhem Land plants and animals)


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Language Names

Language:                                     Name


Marra:                                            Nhamurr

Ritharrŋu/Wägilak:                      Gurrumu’

Ngandi:                                          A-Yirrkuh

Wubuy:                                          Wungujang

Ngalakgan:                                    Yirrkgup

Alawa:                                            Nyamul; Nyamurr

Rembarrnga:                                 Yirrkkup


Scientific:                                      Hydromys chrysogaster

English:                                          Water Rat

Contributed by Sabina Rysnik
Edited by

Where It Lives (habitat)

Lives in and around slow-moving to fast-flowing water areas.

Contributed by Sabina Rysnik
Edited by

What It Eats (diet)

They are carnivorous meaning that they eat animals like fish, frogs and even birds and burudburud.

Their webbed feet and water repellent fur help them swim in water to catch food. They can dive down to 2 metres.

Contributed by Sabina Rysnik
Edited by

What It Looks Like

Body size: 300-390mm; Tail length: 230-320mm

Grey-brown to golden-brown, cream to golden- orange underneath; hind feet wide and partially webbed; thick tail, shorter than body length, with a white tip and covered with short thick fur.


Contributed by Sabina Rysnik
Edited by


Biodiversity Heritage Library references



Conservation & sensitivity lists

Conservation status

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Cultural uses

From the species list, created by on .

Taxonomy from

  • Kingdom: ANIMALIA
  • Phylum: CHORDATA
  • Subphylum: VERTEBRATA
  • Class: MAMMALIA
  • Subclass: EUTHERIA
  • Order: RODENTIA
  • Family: MURIDAE
  • Genus Group: HYDROMYS GROUP
  • Genus: Hydromys
  • Species: Hydromys chrysogaster

Infraspecific taxa

Images (1)

South East Arnhem Land plants and animals

"Water Rat" (© SE Arnhem Land plants and animals)

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Last updated: Sabina Rysnik-Steck; Sep 6, 2018 11:22 Status: Legacy

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