Catharanthus G.Don

Don, G. (1837), A General History of Dichlamydeous Plants 4(1): 71, 95


Forster, P.I. in Orchard, A.E. (ed.) (1996), Apocynaceae. Flora of Australia 28: 123
taxonomic synonym: Lochnera Rchb. ex Endl.


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from the Greek katharos (pure) and anthos (flower), in reference to the neatness and beauty of the flowers

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Perennial or annual herbs or subshrubs, evergreen; latex white. Stems without spines. Leaves petiolate, opposite; lamina entire, herbaceous, glabrous; colleters absent. Inflorescences alternating left and right at adjacent nodes, cymose, pedunculate. Flowers scentless, pedicellate. Calyx without colleters. Corolla salverform; tube cylindrical, with internal indumentum, externally glabrous, narrowed near top above stamens, without scales; lobes sinistrorse in bud. Corolline corona absent. Stamens included, inserted near top of tube, not adherent to style-head; anthers lanceolate-oblong. Disc of 2 linear-oblong scales alternate with carpels. Style-head shortly cylindrical, with a reflexed flange of long hairs at base. Fruit of two dehiscent membranous follicles. Seeds numerous, flat, oblong to ellipsoidal, unwinged, ecomose.

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A monotypic genus native to Madagascar, naturalised in Australia.

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N.H.Boke, Development of the adult shoot apex and floral initiation in Vinca rosea L., Amer. J. Bot. 34: 433–439 (1947); N.H.Boke, Development of the perianth in Vinca rosea L., Amer. J. Bot. 35: 413–423 (1948); N.H.Boke, Development of the stamens and carpels in Vinca rosea L., Amer. J. Bot. 36: 535–547 (1949); W.T.Stearn, Catharanthus roseus, the correct name for the Madagascar periwinkle, Lloydia 29: 196–200 (1966); M.Guédès & J.P.Gourret, Architecture des phyllomes végétatifs et périanthaires: cas du Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don (Vinca rosea L.), Flora 162: 309–344 (1973); W.I.Taylor & N.Farnsworth (eds), The Catharanthus alkaloids (1975); J.V.Zala, N.D.Patel & Y.S.Dave, Structure of the developing and dry pericarp of Catharanthus roseus (Apocynaceae), Flora 165: 335–360 (1976).

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Flora of Australia Volume 28

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From the Acacia characters species list, created by on Mar 12, 2015.
Last updated: System; Feb 20, 2020 12:41 Status: Legacy

Author - P.I.Forster

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Cite this profile as: P.I.Forster. Catharanthus, in (ed.), Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water: Canberra. [Date Accessed: 14 March 2025]