Dittrichia Greuter

Greuter, W.R. (1973), Exsiccatorum genavensium a conservatorio botanico distributorum 4: 71


Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011), Australian Plant Census


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Named after the German botanist Manfred Dittrich (1934–).

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Glandular puberulous herbs. Leaves alternate, simple, entire or dentate. Capitula small, terminal to branchlets of inflorescence, radiate, heterogamous; involucral bracts c. 5-seriate, chartaceous; receptacle epaleate. Ray florets female, 1- or 2-seriate; ligule oblong, shortly 3-lobed; achene and pappus as in bisexual florets. Disc florets bisexual; corolla cylindrical, 4- or 5-lobed; anthers with slender branched tails; style branches linear or narrowly oblong, obtuse. Achenes narrowly obovoid or cylindrical with slender bidentate twin hairs and short glandular hairs, slightly constricted below pappus; pericarp papery. Pappus of numerous barbellate bristles connate at base, persistent.

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A genus of two species, native to the Mediterranean area but now widespread; both species naturalised in Australia.

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Flora of Australia Volume 37 (2015).

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Taxonomy from

Australian Plant Image Index
Dittrichia viscosa by Rignanese, L. (© Rignanese, L.)


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From the Acacia characters species list, created by on Mar 12, 2015.
Last updated: John Busby; Aug 5, 2020 4:19 Status: Legacy

Author - Paul G. Wilson

Contributor - John R. Busby (ed. August 2020)

Editor -

Acknowledgements -

Cite this profile as: Paul G. Wilson. Dittrichia, in (ed.), Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water: Canberra. https://profiles.ala.org.au/opus/foa/profile/Dittrichia [Date Accessed: 13 March 2025]