Dryandra tenuifolia var. reptans A.S.George




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Plant mat-like or procumbent, to 3 m diam. Leaves entire, or serrate only in upper part.

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Flowers July.

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Occurs from near Darkan and the Beaufort R. to Jerramungup, with an outlier farther east towards Ravensthorpe, W.A.

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Grows in sand over clay or laterite, in kwongan with emergent mallees.

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Representative Herbarium Specimens

W.A.: Toompup Rd, 6.1 km S of Gnowangerup-Ongerup road, A.S.George 16676 (PERTH); c. 16 km E of Ongerup, K.Newbey 881 (PERTH); c. 28 km W of Ravensthorpe and 12 km N of the Ravensthorpe-Ongerup road, P.G.Wilson 7130 (PERTH).

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Nomenclature and Typification

c. 54 km S of Williams, W.A., 28 July 1953, R.Melville 4359 & R.D.Royce ; holo: PERTH; iso: HO, K, MEL, NSW.

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Since publication of the Flora of Australia the Australian Plant Census accepts A.R.Mast & K.R.Thiele's transfer of Dryandra to Banksia in Austral. Syst. Bot. 20: 63-71 (2007). As a result this taxon is treated under Banksia tenuis var. tenuis .

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R.M.Sainsbury, Field Guide Dryandra 107 (1985), as Dryandra tenuifolia .

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Data derived from Flora of Australia Volumes 16 (1995), 17A (2000) and 17B (1999), products of ABRS, ©Commonwealth of Australia

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Taxonomy from

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Phylum: Charophyta
  • Class: Equisetopsida
  • Subclass: Magnoliidae
  • Superorder: Proteanae
  • Order: Proteales
  • Family: Proteaceae
  • Genus: Banksia
  • Species: Banksia tenuis
  • Variety: Banksia tenuis var. reptans

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Last updated: System; Feb 20, 2020 12:41 Status: Legacy

Author - A.S.George

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Cite this profile as: A.S.George. Dryandra tenuifolia var. reptans, in (ed.), Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water: Canberra. https://profiles.ala.org.au/opus/foa/profile/Dryandra%20tenuifolia%20var.%20reptans [Date Accessed: 15 March 2025]