Eucalyptus coronata C.A.Gardner

Gardner, C.A. (26 July 1933), Contributiones Florae Australiae Occidentalis, VIII. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 19: 86-87, t. VIII


Chippendale, G.M. in George, A.S. (ed.) (27 June 1988), Eucalyptus. Flora of Australia 19: 126, Fig. 52C-D, Map 88
taxonomic synonym: Eucalyptus mitrata C.A.Gardner: 126


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Common Name

Crowned Mallee

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Mallee to 2 m. Bark grey. Juvenile leaves not seen. Adult leaves alternate, lanceolate, falcate, apiculate; lamina 9–12 cm long, 1.8–3 cm wide, green, shining; lateral veins faint, at c. 30°; intramarginal vein up to 3 mm from margin; petiole flattened or angular, 10–25 mm long. Umbels 3-flowered; peduncle broadly flattened, 10–17 mm long and to 15 mm wide; pedicels absent. Buds fusiform or turbinate, deeply corrugated; operculum conical, 10–15 mm long, 15–30 mm wide; hypanthium obconical, 12–17 mm long, 15–30 mm wide. Fruits obconical, deeply corrugated, 18–25 mm long, 25–35 mm wide, occasionally up to 50 mm wide; disc oblique, descending, lobed and extending over valves; valves 4 or 5, exserted. Seeds crescent-shaped, grey-black.

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Occurs on the Whoogarup Ra, Middle Mt Barren and East Mt Barren, W.A.

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Found among boulders on steep quartzite hills, in openshrubland.
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Representative Herbarium Specimens

W.A.: East Mt Barren, M.I.H.Brooker 2304 (FRI, PERTH); Whoogarup Ra., A.S.George 1947 (PERTH).

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Similar to E. aquilina but with deeply corrugated buds and fruits.

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Illustrations: G.M.Chippendale, Eucalypts W. Austral. Goldfields 37 (1973); C.A.Gardner (ed. T.E.Aplin), Eucalypts W. Australia 105 (1979); S.Kelly et al., Eucalypts 1: t. 128 (1983).

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Flora of Australia Volume 19

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From the Acacia characters species list, created by on Mar 12, 2015.
Last updated: Unknown; Feb 20, 2020 12:41 Status: Legacy

Author - G.M.Chippendale

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Cite this profile as: G.M.Chippendale. Eucalyptus coronata, in (ed.), Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water: Canberra. [Date Accessed: 14 March 2025]