Plants acaulescent; stem 8–15 cm diam.; 1–8 leaves in crown. Leaves 40–80 cm long, strongly keeled, with 80–170 pinnae, grey-green or blue, dull or semi-glossy; petiole 5–15 cm long, 5–9 mm wide at lowest pinna; rachis not to slightly spirally twisted. Basal pinnae not reducing to spines. Median pinnae simple, 8–20 cm long, 3–8 mm wide, strongly discolorous; margins flat or recurved; apex entire, not spinescent. Pollen cones fusiform, 15–20 cm long, 4–5 cm diam.; microsporophyll lamina 15–25 mm long, 15–20 mm wide; apical spine 0–10 mm long. Seed cones ovoid, 15–25 cm long, 7–9 cm diam.; megasporophyll with an expanded, peltate apex 35–60 mm wide and 15–30 mm long; apical spine 2–33 mm long. Seeds ovoid, 20–35 mm long, 17–25 mm wide; sarcotesta red.
Endemic. Occurs in the central-western slopes to lower-central tablelands of N.S.W., from Gilgandra to Grenfell, east to Mudgee and Capertee.
IUCN Red List: Listed as Vulnerable, 2022.
N.S.W.: Dubbo-Mendooran, 25 Sept. 1951, G.M. Chippendale & E.F. Constable (NSW); Bumbery Range, E of Parkes, K.D. Hill 4286 & R. Windsor (NSW); Airlie Creek, E of Capertee, K.D. Hill 4443 & R. Windsor (NSW); road between Mudgee and Cassilis, R. Ornduff 9579 (NSW); Weddin Mountain, W of Grenfell, R. Pullen 10238 (CANB, NSW).
Distinguished by the sharply keeled, bluish grey leaves with a slight or no spiral twist and short petioles.
G.J. Harden in G.J. Harden (ed.), Flora of New South Wales 1: 77 (1990).
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Author - K.D. Hill
Contributor - A.M. Wheeler (editorial assistance August 2023)
Editor -
Acknowledgements -
Cite this profile as: K.D. Hill. Macrozamia secunda, in (ed.), Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water: Canberra. [Date Accessed: 15 March 2025]