Plants to c. 60 cm high, glabrous. Leaves to c. 7 cm long; segments linear. Capitula solitary or few, radiate, 10–25 mm diam.; peduncle 3–9 cm long; involucre 2–3 mm long; inner bracts with hyaline extension c. 0.5 mm long; mature receptacle ovoid. Ray florets 9–15; ligule 6–10 mm long, white. Disc florets: corolla c. 1.5 mm long; tube c. as long as and slightly narrower than limb; limb 5-lobed, yellow. Achenes obovoid, 1.0 mm long, c. 0.8 mm wide. Pappus of ray achenes an oblong scale c. 1 mm long; pappus of disc achenes a minute scarious rim.
Native to Europe. Sparingly naturalised in southwestern Western Australia, southeastern South Australia, eastern New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania.
W.A.: Coorow, 23 Sept. 1998, P. Stubbs (PERTH).
S.A.: Grange, 14 Jan. 1964, J.B. Cleland (AD).
N.S.W.: E of Forbes on Eugowra Road, 28 Oct. 1959, C.K. Ingram (NSW).
A.C.T.: Canberra, H.S. McKee 8855 (NSW).
Tas.: Scotts Road, Risdon Vale, D.I. Morris 86494 (CANB, HO).
Treated as Matricaria recutita L. (taxonomic synonym) in the Flora of Australia Volume 37 (Thompson 2015).
S. Ross-Craig, Drawings of British Plants 16, t. 11 (1961); F.J. Richardson et al., Weeds of the South-east 3rd edn, 166 (2016), as Matricaria recutita.
Baker, M.L., Wapstra, M. & Lawrence, D. (2019). An annotated census of the lesser-known naturalised plants of Tasmania. Muelleria 38: 27–69.
Richardson, F.J., Richardson, R.G. & Shepherd, R.C.H. (2016). Weeds of the South-east. An Identification Guide for Australia 3rd edn. (R.G. & F.J. Richardson: Meredith, Victoria), as Matricaria recutita.
Thompson, I.R. (2015). Asteraceae Subfam. Asteroideae Trib. 3. Anthemidea, in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.), Flora of Australia 37: 330–370. (Australian Biological Resources Study: Canberra), as Matricaria recutita.
Author - I.R. Thompson
Contributor - P.G. Kodela (ed. August 2020)
Editor -
Acknowledgements -
Cite this profile as: I.R. Thompson. Matricaria chamomilla, in (ed.), Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water: Canberra. [Date Accessed: 14 March 2025]