Micromelum minutum (G.Forst.) Wight & Arn.

Wight, R. & Arnott, G.A.W. in Wight, R. & Arnott, G.A.W. (ed.) (1834), Prodromus Florae Peninsulae Indiae Orientalis 1: 468


Mabberley, D.J. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (2013), Micromelum. Flora of Australia 26: 497-498, Plate 56, Fig. 70
nomenclatural synonym: Limonia minuta G.Forst.: 497
taxonomic synonym: Micromelum pubescens Blume: 497
taxonomic synonym: Glycosmis subvelutina F.Muell.: 497
common name: Limeberry: ~ 497-498, Plate 56, Fig. 70
  Mabberley, D.J. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (2013), Micromelum. Flora of Australia 26: 497-498, Plate 56, Fig. 70
nomenclatural synonym: Limonia minuta G.Forst.: 497
taxonomic synonym: Micromelum pubescens Blume: 497
taxonomic synonym: Glycosmis subvelutina F.Muell.: 497
common name: Limeberry: ~ 497-498, Plate 56, Fig. 70


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Common Name

Limeberry, Dilminyin (east Arnhem Land), Kimiar Margibur (Murray Island, Queensland).

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Tree to 10 (–20) m tall but often a scruffy shrub; bole to 15 cm diam. Leaves to 30 cm long, subglabrous to softly hairy adaxially; leaflets 7–15, ovate-lanceolate, 3–12 cm long, 1.5–6 cm wide, obtuse-asymmetric at base, entire to crenulate, attenuate-acuminate, coriaceous, often drying blackish, with axillary domatia at veins; petiolule to 5 mm long. Inflorescences 13–20 cm long, hairy, scented; bracts deltoid-linear; pedicels to 5 mm long. Sepals glabrous to shortly hairy. Petals 5–8 mm long, pale green or creamish. Filaments narrowed apically, white. Ovary c. 1.5 mm long, hairy at first; style subglabrous. Fruit ellipsoid, to 1 cm long, yellow to orange or red at maturity, glabrous. Cotyledons green.

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Flowers and fruits all year round; trees often with both fruits and new flowers.

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Found from Indomalesia to the western Pacific. Occurs in north tropical Australia from the Kimberley region in Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland, south to northern New South Wales.

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Found in usually coastal monsoon forest especially on dunes, coral or other limestones to 615 m altitude, often common as on the Great Barrier Reef, but also in sandstone gorges and on karst outcrops far inland. Not collected in New South Wales since 1911. 

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Representative Herbarium Specimens

W.A.: Admiralty Gulf, Port Warrender, Walsh Pt, K.F. Kenneally 7821 (CANB n.v., K, PERTH).

N.T.: Sir Edward Pellew Group, W side of South West Is., L.A. Craven 3696 (CANB n.v., L); S Goulburn Island, A. Cunningham 242 (BM, K, NSW).

Qld: Lockerbie 10 miles [16 km] WSW of Somerset, L.J. Brass 18812 (BRI n.v., CANB n.v., K, L); Keppel Bay, 11 Aug. 1802, R. Brown s.n. [Iter Austral. 5319 p.p.] (BM).

N.S.W.: Lismore, June 1891, W. Bauerlen s.n. (NSW).

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Occasionally planted for ornament in Queensland. Locally medicinal in Malesia, where the light timber is used for construction.

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G.M. Wightman & M.R. Andrews, Plants of Northern Territory Monsoon Vine Forests 1: 63 (1989); J.R. Wheeler (ed.) et al., Flora of the Kimberley Region 669, fig. 206E (1992); W. Cooper & W.T. Cooper, Fruits Rain Forest 190, 191 (1994); N. & H. Nicholson, Australian Rainforest Plants 2nd edn, 4: 46 (2003); J. Beasley, Plants of Cape York 100 (2009); R. Melzer & J. Plumb, Plants of Capricornia 312 (2011).

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Mabberley, D.J. (2013). Micromelum, in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.), Flora of Australia Volume 26. (ABRS/CSIRO Australia: Melbourne).

Contributed by Phillip Kodela
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Adapted from Mabberley (2013).

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Taxonomy from

Australian Plant Image Index
Micromelum minutum by Unknown, 11/02/1997 (© Centre for National Biodiversity Research)


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From the Acacia characters species list, created by on Mar 12, 2015.
Last updated: Unknown; Feb 29, 2024 12:40 Status: Legacy

Author - D.J. Mabberley

Editor - P.G. Kodela

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Cite this profile as: D.J. Mabberley. Micromelum minutum, in P.G. Kodela (ed.), Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water: Canberra. https://profiles.ala.org.au/opus/foa/profile/Micromelum%20minutum [Date Accessed: 14 March 2025]