Language Name
Noongar-Wudjari Noordjit
Common name:
Scientific name: Billardiera coriacea
Group name for Plants
Wudjari Dek
Nyoongar/Baaduk Dek
Wudjari: Alternate names are noordjin and nadjin.
Looks like:
Wudjari: A thin vine that may be seen growing on other plants. Starts with a little white flower. Not a nut - it is a fleshy oblong case that holds all the seeds - blacky green.
Feels like:
Wudjari: Fruit flesh like a ripe jelly with lots of little seeds through it. Squash it on your tongue and spit the seeds out. Don't crunch on the seeds because they taste like soap.
Smells like:
Tastes like:
Wudjari: Flowers - sweet, lovely. They have nectar. Better than kooroop and kamak. Fruit tastes like a tangy dried apricot. Can eat fruit green or ripe. This is very rare and requires a host. Fast growing depending on rain.
Wudjari: Eat the flower when the fruit is ripe.
Wudjari: The vine is used as twine.
Wudjari: It is collected from ochre pits. Can grow on other plants.
Wudjari: This is very rare and requires a host. Fast growing depending on rain.
Wudjari: Food source.
Wudjari: Flowers in Summer.
Wudjari: Flowers in Spring.
Wudjari: Still flowering in late spring/early summer.
Wudjari: Mainly coastal.
Wudjari: Needs a host plant, any type of bush or gum tree that they can climb up onto.
Author - Noongar Boodjar Language Centre
Knapp, L., Yorkshire, G., Ali-Smith, D., Councillor, L., Nannup, A., Jansen, A., Moulton, T., Blond, B., Turpin, G., Hopper, S., Lullfitz, A and Raisbeck-Brown, N. (2024).Noordjit. Noongar Boodjar Language Centre, Perth, Western Australia. [Date accessed: 20 March 2025]