
Welcome to the eFlora website


To find more information about the Bryophytes of Australia, visit our About page.

Browse by category

Browse the taxonomic hierarchy using the navigation pane . You can also jump to a particular taxon in the hierarchy by typing the beginning of the name into the ‘Quick browse’ option at the bottom of the pane.

Alternatively, you can select the ‘Search’ navigator at the top of this page and perform a text or name-based search.

The ‘Identify’ button on the homepage will help you select the appropriate profile using dichotomous keys.

Results for "{{browseCtrl.searchTerm}}*"

{{browseCtrl.selectedTaxon.level | capitalize}}: {{browseCtrl.selectedTaxon.name | capitalize}} {{browseCtrl.selectedTaxon.name | capitalize}} ({{browseCtrl.selectedTaxon.count}} entries)

{{browseCtrl.selectedTaxon.level | capitalize}} ({{browseCtrl.selectedTaxon.count}} entries)

{{profile.rank | capitalize | default:'Unknown'}}: {{profile.scientificName}}