Fissidens dietrichiae Müll.Hal.




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Plants robust, 5–40 mm long, dark green, forming tufts, semi-aquatic or terrestrial. Stems simple or branched, with minute axillary nodules; in section with a central strand of small thin-walled cells. Leaves in numerous pairs, homomallous, curled when dry, elliptical to obovate, 1.1–2.0 mm long, 0.3–0.7 mm wide; margins ±smooth or weakly serrulate; apex obtuse, apiculate; limbidium almost reaching the leaf apex, mostly unistratose, biseriate, up to 5 rows wide in the vaginant laminae, outer cells rectangular to quadrate proximally; vaginant laminae reaching 1/2–3/4 leaf length, ±closed; dorsal lamina usually slightly decurrent; laminal cells smooth, hexagonal, firm-walled, 11–15 µm wide, larger juxtacostally and 20–25 × 10–12 µm at the base of the vaginant laminae. Costa percurrent, modified bryoides-type; all cells thin-walled.

Dioicous or synoicous. Perigonia terminal (not seen). Perichaetia terminal; perichaetial leaves more acuminate than vegetative leaves, (1.5–) 1.9–3.0 mm long. Setae 4–10 mm long. Capsules suberect, asymmetrical; theca oblong, 0.8–1.5 mm long, 0.4–0.8 mm wide. Operculum 0.3–0.7 mm long, sharply conical. Peristome bryoides-type; teeth c. 50–90 μm wide at the base. Calyptra not seen. Spores 17–26 µm diameter.

Contributed by Peri Bolton
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Contributed by Peri Bolton
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Habitat and Distribution

Occurs in Northern Territory, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria and Lord Howe Island. Also in the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia and the Kermadec Islands.

Contributed by Peri Bolton
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Semi-aquatic on rocks or terrestrial in damp places.

Contributed by Peri Bolton
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Nomenclature And Typification

Fissidens dietrichiae Müll.Hal., Linnaea 37: 146 (1872). Type: Brisbane River, Qld, A.Dietrich 444; holo: S (n.v.); iso: BM, MEL, NY.

Taxonomic synoyms

Fissidens undatodecurrens Müll.Hal., Enum. Bryin. Exot. 90 (1989). Type: Ashgrove, near Brisbane, Qld, May 1885, H.Tryon; iso: MEL.

Fissidens praemollis Broth., Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 41: 578 (1916). Type: Skinners Head, Richmond R., N.S.W., 1901, W.W.Watts 5371;  holo: H-BR; iso: MEL, NSW.

Fissidens densifolius Broth., Queensland Bot. Bull. 4: 21 (1891), nom. nud. Based on: Mt Perry, Qld, J.Keys (?); MEL.

Fissidens sydneyensis Geh., Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, Suppl. 27: 29 (1902), nom. nud. Based on: Minto, near Sydney, N.S.W., T.Whitelegge 263; MEL.


[Fissidens crassipes auct. non Wilson ex Bruch & Schimp.: G.A.M.Scott & I.G.Stone, Mosses of Southern Australia 96 (1976)]

Contributed by Peri Bolton
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Representative Herbarium Specimens

N.T.: Reedy Rock Hole, George Gill Range, A.C.Beauglehole 20937 (MEL).

S.A.: Clarendon, J.O.Tepper 587 (NY).

Qld: Cania Gorge Natl Park, I.G.Stone 20941A (MEL).

N.S.W.: Hickeys Falls, S of Coonabarabran, I.G.Stone 8408B (MEL); Hanging Rock Ck, Barkers Vale, H.Streimann 6141 (CANB).

A.C.T.: Uriarra Crossing, Murrumbidgee River, D.G.Catcheside 64.82 (AD).

Vic.: Yarra River at Heyington Railway Stn, J.H.Willis 154 (BM, MEL).

Contributed by Peri Bolton
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M.A.Bruggeman-Nannenga, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., ser. C, 82: 23, fig. 5 (1979); D.G.Catcheside, Mosses of South Australia 73, fig. 13 (1980), as F. crassipes.

Contributed by Peri Bolton
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Beever, J.E. (2014) Fissidens leptocladus, in Moss Flora of New Zealand eFlora.

Bruggeman-Nannenga, M.A. (1979). The section Pachylomidium (genus Fissidens) II. The species of central America, temperate South America (including the high Andes), Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea. Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., ser. C, 82: 11–27.

Catcheside, D.G. (1980). Mosses of South Australia. (Government Printer, Adelaide).

Scott, G.A.M. & Stone, I.G. (1976). The Mosses of Southern Australia. (Academic Press, London).

Contributed by Peri Bolton
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Seppelt, R.D. & Stone, I.G. (2016). Australian Mosses Online 70. Fissidentaceae. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. Version 16 June 2016.

For more details about the history of this treatment see Fissidentaceae profile.

Contributed by Peri Bolton
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Last updated: Unknown; Feb 29, 2024 12:43 Status: Partial

Author - Rodney D. Seppelt & Ilma G. Stone

Editor(s) - Pat M. McCarthy (2016)

Contributors - Peri Bolton (2019)

Acknowledgements -

Cite this profile as: Rodney D. Seppelt & Ilma G. Stone (2024) Fissidens dietrichiae. In: Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Canberra. [Date Accessed: 19 March 2025]